With this multiplexer you can mix avi, wav, wma (not recommended, it is sloooow, done in real-time) and what the most important is: SSA.
- Convert your subtitles into .ssa (subresync.exe can do it). If you'd like to see real language labels, use the movie.lang.ssa naming convention.
- Run submux.exe.
- Use drag&drop or "right click"/"Add..." to put everything on the list you want to mix (warning: more audio tracks from wma can cause choppy playback with morgan stream switcher)
- Press "Mux".
- Wait. If you break the operation, you will still get a playable avi file.
- Check the output for errors.
v2.10 update:
- In case you want to extract the muxed subtitles, you will need Graphedt.exe, the 'Dump' filter, and some brain to connect the right filters :)
- Working DVobSub
- "Always auto-load" or at least "Load for text streams" set at dvobsub's property page or in the registry (HKCU\Software\Gabest\DirectVobSub\General\AlwaysLoadForTextStreams is set to '1' when installing dvobsub).
- The text streams must be rendered after the video. Submux sorts the files this way, but the system might change his mind and processes the streams backwards when loading. Currently there is no solution on this. Try on a different machine or reinstall windows... :)
v2.00+ update:
- DVobSub will disconnect and hook text streams which were initially connected elsewhere.
Submux will not be able to remultiplex the followings correctly:
- VBR mp3 audio ==> desynced output
- Nandub multiplexed mp3 using the "mp3 source" (mp3 without the wave header) ==> Submux will only output a few hundered KB long avi
(emails asking about these problems will be ignored)
Format specification for developers (all strings are zero terminated):